Thursday, August 13, 2009

When a...

When a male teacher comes late, it is because he is a safe driver and travels far.

But when a female teacher does that, she spends too much time on her make-up in the morning.

When a male teacher does not enter class, it is because he’s disciplining the students.

But when a female teacher does that, she is wasting time gossiping with colleagues.

When a male teacher does not attend meeting, it is because he has some other call of duty.

But when a female teacher does that, she is trying to escape.

When a male teacher speaks of a minuscule issue, everybody listens.

But when a female teacher does that, “She is just being noisy.”

When a male teacher gets a promotion, he deserves it.

But when a female teacher gets one, “Do you think she deserves it?”

When a male teacher wears unappealing attire, it is being economical and thrifty.

But when a female teacher does that, she is definitely not fashionable.

When a male teacher gets angry, everyone is quiet.

But when a female teacher gets angry, she is having PMS again.

When a male teacher makes lewd jokes, he is being funny.

But when a female teacher makes one, she is surely a nympho.

When a male teacher is single, it is because he is still looking for the right one.

But when a female teacher is single, it is because she is choosy or ‘tak laku’.

When a male teacher flirts, he is being a normal guy in action.

But when a female teacher does that, she is DESPERATE.

When a male teacher is being friendly, he is being friendly.

But when a female teacher does that, be careful she is seducing.

When a male teacher is working hard, he gets the applause.

But when a female teacher does the same, she is showing off.

When a female teacher tells the truth, nobody believes her.

But when a male teacher does that, he is to be trusted and respected.

So why is there still a double standard, folks? And worst of all it's the female teachers who treat another with disrespect. Why blame the society when the women themselves allow this to happen? Women should do away with the envy and ridiculous thoughts. Sisters should be united, not divided.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What's with the skinny jeans??? Enough already!!!

Why oh why does everyone donning the skinny jeans these days? I know of a thing called trend but i think this is way too much. It's ugly and horrendous! This reincarnation of the "fit jeans" of the 80s is all the hype now for quite some time. i do know that fashion comes and goes but when the 80s fashion makes a comeback; it surely is not a pleasant one (especially those who lived through the era of big pouffy hair and hairspray).

Nobody looks good in one, except maybe the likes of Giselle Bundchen and Kate Moss. This mother of all horror pants (except MC Hammer 'karung guni' pants in the early 90s, that is) seems to be the 'in' thing right now.

However, the young and the hip crowd seem to favour this one a lot, no thanks to the Hollywood celebs and even The Jonas Brothers... Unless one looks like the runway models that are illogically super tall & slim; no one else looks good in one. Gosh, i still remember it well back in the mid 80s when i was still a teenager at school. Everyone i know was wearing one (including yours truly but we didn't have much choice at that time and i was still not overweight!)

I actually owned a pink "carrot-cut" LadyLike© ’s pant (that's what we used to call it back then, "carrot-cut" for its unforgiving silhouette cut that was wide at the hip and follows you down to the a carrot that is). Thank God the 90s came along and brought that music called grunge & launched that bootcut, flair & straight-cut pants...what a relief! :)

I am so, so hoping that this fad will die away soon and bring back sensible fashion back in track just like the waif look is out and curves are back. It will make more sense than this nonsense called skinny jeans. I have seen curvy girls wearing them aplenty and sorry to say that they ain't looking pretty or trendy at all. They look shorter and dumpier coz the cutting isn’t flattering to the non-skinny person. (an opinion from someone who's also plus size, moi!)

So dear fashionistas out there, please avoid this fashion error...coz u are not looking fine in one. Nope, not even you, J-Lo.

Please dear God, end this craze soon. The sooner, the better.