Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pigging Out?

Oh the joys of weddings. The decorations, the beautiful bride, the superb ambience…all romantic and super fine; or NOT.
I don’t hate weddings. I just hate the complications of the weddings and anything that is related to the process. Of course, not all weddings are alike in sharing both its bad or good sides but sometimes, I wonder why people act so heartlessly during wedding banquets, especially. Yes, that’s what I’m talking about. Weddings’ banquets. Buffet. Food spread. Wedding Feasts. Jamuan makan. Kenduri kawin. Call it by any other names but the same thing always, over and over again.
I’ve not been to many weddings because of this alone. I just hate how some people can be so selfish and rude during the feast time. Its worst when it’s buffet. Queuing is already a problem; I don’t need people cutting in line no matter if they’re kids or old. If we all should line up to get our food then please be more sensitive and line up too. Seeing adults who cut in line made the smaller kids act the same too. As simple as it is, they followed what they see. So if it’s alright for the adults to do so then perhaps it’s ok for them kids too. And so the generations of ill manners continue and the legacy lives on.
Just the other day, I attended two weddings. One is an acquaintance whose daughter got married. Hers was done at home. A feat that many think is quite impossible to do but I have to applaud her and her family for making the affair a smooth one although space is always a problem when you’re having a feast at home. I had no complaints for hers, I thought hers was done superbly smooth. Perhaps because she’s a teacher and is used of organizing things. Although hers was also a buffet, it was wonderful. They were food booth in a few places therefore the crowd doesn’t rush or push their way. It was well done, enough said.
The one that I’m simply disappointed is the one that I attended today; the wedding of a daughter of a friend of my parents. First of all, it was done in a rented hall, with air-cond, ample parking space and lots of rooms. So I’m guessing that it must be good since when we had our sister’s wedding feast at the same hall, it was really well done and we received many compliments for it after.
When I got there with my mother, I was shocked to see that the parking spot is full so we had to wait for cars to come out before we got our spot. As we went inside, we did the usual greetings with the family of the bride. And then we went inside for the feast. That was the beginning of the series of the worst thing to happen afterwards.
First of all, there were too many people; at the table and also at the buffet. What a long line of queue. Seeing that, I lined up with my mother too. When it was our turn at the table, the plain rice is finished. Pity my mother who’s a diabetic and can’t eat the ghee rice. So she scooped whatever that is left at the rice barrel. Is that how a guest should be treated? The leftovers’ rice?
I took the ghee rice a bit but that was before a boy in red and white stripes t-shirt suddenly cut a line in front of me and rudely scooping his rice into his plate. Thank god it’s a wedding otherwise I would have given a word or two at this boy. But wait, that’s not the real shocker.
As we move on to the dish, we found ourselves standing in front of empty dish racks. Where are all the dishes gone too? And where is the food assistant? Aren’t they supposed to constantly filling in the food racks before they actually ran out? This is not good at all and so unwelcomed for. And so my mom and me stood there and hopefully they will replenish.
Then came a man with a bucket (?) and started filling in one of the rack with a prawn + potato curry. And before I can take any - A short, STOCKY auntie behind me quickly took them by the dozens especially the prawns. And she had three plates. Wow. Is she eating alone or is she taking for her other family members? Then I saw her taking the fried chicken too….too many even for a single plate. And she took the meat dish as well…all full three plates - doing this without looking guilty at all. I bet she thinks it’s perfectly alright for her to do it and I wonder whether she will give some ang-pow or gifts to the family of the bride afterwards.
After we had taken our food, we began scouting for table. My God, they’re all full. Are we supposed to eat standing up? Thank God one of my mother’s relatives saw us and offered two seats next to her. So we sat in the middle of another family and that of my mother’s relative. The empty plates were not cleared as we sat down. No glasses for us to pour our drinks and no tissue at all. No Sirree.
We are thankful that we got to sit down and eat but as I was eating, I couldn’t help but looking at the others especially the senior citizens who had to scout for seats also. It’s a battle out there at the wedding feast with everyone trying to secure their own seats. So that explains a lot if everyone acted so ruthlessly. The running children don’t help at all.
While we were eating, that relative of my mother is busy talking while eating cendol at the same time. A feat that not even trained acrobats can easily do but she did that and what do you know? The spoon and some of the cendol’s content came flying at me and smeared my tudung, my handbag and my outfit. Hell and damnation, what is this? I know you’re much older and you’re connected to my mom in some way but please watch your table manners! How can you eat and move your hands at the same time? And just laugh about it? Thank God I can still hold my patience because you’re related to my mother and you’re older. Thank God too I brought my tissues with me, in case of emergency.
Then a man who sat at the same table who belongs to a different family took some cake and left the empty plastic bowl lying in front. Little did he realize that that thing can easily fly here and there since it’s so light. And seriously enough, it flew to my plate! I know that he saw that happened but he simply looked away as if nothing happened. Not even a sorry face, let alone a word of apology. Damn you man, I hope you get diarrhea on your way home. How can you be so disrespectful towards others just because we are strangers? And they say the Malay folks are famous for courtesy. O’ bullshit.
On and on he came back from the desserts’ table with heaps of bubur, ice cream and so on. And every time he is feeding his equally rude wife too. I hope both of them get diarrhea; and their children too.
There was another family who’s trying to get a seat as my mother and I were still eating. They stood behind us like some flies trapped to a spider’s web. Can’t they see we haven’t finished? Must you make us feel so guilty? And why didn’t you wait behind that dastardly couple? Heck we haven’t even got to drink yet.
But my mom and me, we are not the twisted souls unlike others. Though it’s annoying, we do understand the lack of seats in the hall. So we poured our drinks and only drink it half way. That’s how sensitive we are but that couple were still eating and sitting at their seats, refusing to budge in, not even an inch. They must think they’re some royal couple or what. The face were ugly, the manners even more so.
We wanted to get the ice cream for desserts and to my astonishment; an old lady is scooping the ice cream for everyone. When I asked her, she said the ice cream man who is supposed to be doing the job went missing. And I was like, huh? Can it be more tragic than this?
O gosh, it was one tiring wedding. I’m tired with the crowd, the buffet, the table manners, everything. I hate to say bad things about people’s weddings but sometimes I can’t help it. Been to many weddings, seen the bad, ugly and worst. All I can say is there’s only a few that I can give some credits for. Even my sister’s wedding too had its own flaws here and there. But she wanted things to be done her way so be it. At least we were complimented on the food service. Something that people will remember for a long time to come.
Will I go to another wedding? I seriously don’t have the answer for this. Now I remember vividly why I hate going to weddings’ feast. Perhaps I should avoid it at all cost too.
i know i'm crossing the line here but this pic sometimes is on my mind whenever i see the scenario as what i have written about

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


           Been a while. This would be my first entry of the new year. What a new year and now it's February? Hey where did January go to? Seriously, I think there's a time thief going on at the moment. 
         Anyway, in the midst of it all came a shocking news...towards the end of January. That I got my transfer back to my hometown. That was a serious shocker. Man, I really didn't see it coming my way.
           In two days? Just what can I possibly do in two days? Can't even packed well. Thank god the new school that I'm going to gave me a week's extension. And the place is damn near to my mom's house and also my future house. Double joy. ELEVEN years of waiting for hometown touchdown. Finally. Victory is mine. Thank you so much God for answering my prayer, then again you know that I'm about to do something good to you in return, didn't you?
          And so I wore the tudung. An act that I was contemplating for so long..should or shouldn't I? Since God answered my prayer, I decided to return the good deeds. Why shouldn't I? Isn't one good thing deserved another? Futhermore, the 'tudung express' creation was made for lazy bummer like me...(LOL)! Winking Smileys
         Despite a lot of non-tudung ladies who told me that it's gonna be hot and humid under that covering; strangely I felt none of that. I felt just fine. I have nothing against the non-wearers as I was previously one of them and I wouldn't encourage them if they're not ready both mind and soul. It wasn't a calling for me. It was more of an overdue thought that I finally decided to act upon. Why wait another minute, hour, day or year? I think it's worth the wait. An anyway, who's who to judge? I know I won't. Been there for 35 years. Tudung or not; its the matter of hearts that is important. 
        Personally, what is important for me is to collect as many 'tudung express' that I can find but none of those beaded-forehead type. That one should be given to those who are not physically gifted, ha ha ha (man I'm arrogant here...) Free Emoticons
        These are some of the pictures that I took on the 1st of February, 2011. The first day of wearing the tudung for me. 
now this is my current profile pix for my many social network picca...

me and the boys of 5PD...sometimes fun, sometimes not (esp when i scolded them)


this student seem so quiet but she was the first to text me when news of me leaving the school was out
two lovely gals that i had the opportunities to teach...hope they will have a bright future

these gals are always a sweetheart to have in the classrooms

they made me proud with their achievement in PMR

if i'm not leaving, these bunch will be fun to teach everyday

great people to hang out with

these are the grateful ones definitely. 
        Change. And so I did. Happy Smileys