Monday, July 26, 2010

My Fat Journey 1.1

...current weight, 85kg
     Hey, waddya know? Two & half months went pass by and now I have managed to lose 13kg which makes my current weight 85kg. I am happy because I am now receiving good remarks from people telling me I looked smaller than my previous self. Not to mention that my complexion too now enjoys the benefit of less oil consumption and thus produce an almost grease-less face. 
    The weekends were hectic, I went to KL to see friends that I haven't seen in a long time and also for some minor shopping since Jusco is on sale. I was also looking for a gift for my principal who's got a transfer and job promotion as well. I like his leadership. The best boss so far for me since I don't have a good track record with the previous principals. I also bought 2 t-shirts since my previous ones are so ill-fitting now. Next purchase was a chappati maker for my dad, a grill pan for myself, a Cornell blender that is handy enough for me to carry so that I can mix my CD drinks & soups, an Alain Delon shoes that was on a 50% discount (yeeeha!) ; a big tote bag which was originally intended for a weekend shopping bag but since I like it so much perhaps I will now use it on daily basis. Hey, it was 70% discounted! And exactly the one that I'm looking for!
      Dinner was thosai with dhal over at Mahbob's in Bangsar long after the shopping mall was closed. Got hungry since I was walking in the mall from 6pm-10.30 pm carrying all the heavy loads... Saturday was a late one for me since I slept quite late the nite before by having chat with Tini. I was telling her what happened to me the past months we didn't see each other. A quick hot shower and then zzzzz....When I got up it was 9.30 I think. Oh well, the head was pounding too. Must be the lack of sleep or perhaps BP attack. Well, gotta take those meds but not before a nice late breakfast with a CD Chocolate Mint. And drink lots and lots of water.
       Yate came a bit later in the afternoon since we all promised to meet up at Amcorp Mall around 5 with Fairuz too. Tini came back from work and then we head to Amcorp in Yate's car. We head straight to Book Excess and i got myself A Bobby Brown Make-Up Manual for only RM34.90 from an original price of RM120!! Another well deserved purchase. I also went to my fave section which is the backdated magazines section and bought around 7 or 8 health magz for not more than RM50. Another sensible purchase! A great way to spend the time while waiting for that Korean restaurant to open for dinner.
      6 pm and we head straight to the Korean restaurant. Missed the food but hey, eat with caution please since I'm still on a low-calorie diet. While all my friends choose BBQ Chicken+Rice, Beef Bulgogi, Fish Teriyaki....I chose a Kim Chi Soup. There, it should be a good alternative since it has no noodle & rice. Just veggies, beancurd, chicken chunks...and boy that was one spicy soup!
Food was great, but the company even greater.
      After dinner, we head to Starbucks since I already made a promise to L & H that I'm going to buy them Venti from that place. And more conversation with Fairuz as the centre of everything. That girl really has a lot of stories to tell. Quite interesting ones and some Arabic lesson as well incorporated.
     All in all, it was a great meeting them. Oh, no coffee for me just plain water. Being a good girl. 

1 comment:


followed! would like to join u reduce weight!