Wednesday, February 2, 2011


           Been a while. This would be my first entry of the new year. What a new year and now it's February? Hey where did January go to? Seriously, I think there's a time thief going on at the moment. 
         Anyway, in the midst of it all came a shocking news...towards the end of January. That I got my transfer back to my hometown. That was a serious shocker. Man, I really didn't see it coming my way.
           In two days? Just what can I possibly do in two days? Can't even packed well. Thank god the new school that I'm going to gave me a week's extension. And the place is damn near to my mom's house and also my future house. Double joy. ELEVEN years of waiting for hometown touchdown. Finally. Victory is mine. Thank you so much God for answering my prayer, then again you know that I'm about to do something good to you in return, didn't you?
          And so I wore the tudung. An act that I was contemplating for so long..should or shouldn't I? Since God answered my prayer, I decided to return the good deeds. Why shouldn't I? Isn't one good thing deserved another? Futhermore, the 'tudung express' creation was made for lazy bummer like me...(LOL)! Winking Smileys
         Despite a lot of non-tudung ladies who told me that it's gonna be hot and humid under that covering; strangely I felt none of that. I felt just fine. I have nothing against the non-wearers as I was previously one of them and I wouldn't encourage them if they're not ready both mind and soul. It wasn't a calling for me. It was more of an overdue thought that I finally decided to act upon. Why wait another minute, hour, day or year? I think it's worth the wait. An anyway, who's who to judge? I know I won't. Been there for 35 years. Tudung or not; its the matter of hearts that is important. 
        Personally, what is important for me is to collect as many 'tudung express' that I can find but none of those beaded-forehead type. That one should be given to those who are not physically gifted, ha ha ha (man I'm arrogant here...) Free Emoticons
        These are some of the pictures that I took on the 1st of February, 2011. The first day of wearing the tudung for me. 
now this is my current profile pix for my many social network picca...

me and the boys of 5PD...sometimes fun, sometimes not (esp when i scolded them)


this student seem so quiet but she was the first to text me when news of me leaving the school was out
two lovely gals that i had the opportunities to teach...hope they will have a bright future

these gals are always a sweetheart to have in the classrooms

they made me proud with their achievement in PMR

if i'm not leaving, these bunch will be fun to teach everyday

great people to hang out with

these are the grateful ones definitely. 
        Change. And so I did. Happy Smileys


bEkAkIrA said...

wow. satu perubahan yg menarik. btw, hajar dulu penah ckp tudung yg express tu siap ada jual 10hinggit satu. hoho

baroque75 said...

mcm2 harga...yg i beli dari semurah2 rm9. plg mahal pun rm30 (sehelai jer tu pun sbb mmg dah suka although size terbesar sikit). pelik tul i baca ada org jual or beli tudung harga sampai ratus2. apa kes? tudung ker niat yg penting? tu dah kira menunjuk dah tu.