Sunday, September 27, 2009

All The Single Ladies!


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Reflection of Raya Memories

               Raya datang, raya pergi….yang penting dalam gastric pun aku tetap mampu berpuasa walaupun agak teruk gak aku tergolek. Siang-siang memang dah jadi kewajipan TIDUR sampai pengsan sebab tu jer yang mampu aku buat untuk menahan sakit yang melampau. Mungkin lain kali aku kena makan ubat and tak payah nak berlagak kuat. Terima jer la hakikat yang aku dah tak se’tough dulu….
               Raya pada aku semenjak dari umur 12 tahun lagi dah aku rasa biasa ajer sebab mungkin aku ni dah period awal-awal dari umur 10 tahun lagi…jadi keseronokan aku macam kena short-cut sebab aku terpaksa jadi dewasa lebih cepat dari sepatutnya.  Tu ler pasal sekarang ni aku still cam budak-budak lagi perangai. Kes kempunan childhood...

              Almaklumlah, masa tu bila dah period jer mula lah mak aku membebel suruh perangai baik-baik and macam-macam lagi la ceramah mak nenek….aku rasa sangat terkongkong masa tu. Buat apa pun tak boleh sebab aku kena ‘behave’ sedangkan umur aku pada amnya masih budak-budak. Aku ingat lagi yang masa aku kecik-kecik dulu memang raya best (masa umur 9 tahun ke bawah la)…mana-mana aku pegi sure dapat duit raya. Almaklumlah, aku ni muka memang cute masa kecik sebab abah aku orang Hindustan jadinyer aku tumpang ler glamer bintang-bintang filem yang famous-famous….ha ha ha…..(perasan!)
             Time balik kampong lagi la especially sebab mak aku tu berketurunan Banjar dari Sungai Manik. Maka aku pun sangat-sangat la paham bahasa Banjar 100% walaupun dari paras rupa tak siapa percaya yang aku paham…sebab sebelum aku belajar BM & English, bahasa utama aku di rumah standard la Bahasa Banjar & Hindustan; sebab tu sampai sekarang aku rasa aku tak berapa pandai dalam BM formal dan aku terima kenyataan tu. Aku lagi terer English la kan siap buleh buat slang American accent sebab nyer masa aku kecik suka betol aku tengok rancangan ‘Sha-Na-Na’…(ni sesapa yang kanak-kanak time zaman awal 80an paham la)
             Melalut plak tadi kat Sg Manik kan? Oh sebab bila mak aku bawak kitorang adik-beradik balik kampong jumpa sedara mara, confirm la kitorang paling CUTE….heh heh…Yang lain tu rupa Banjar je la kan; gelap-gelap, kusam-kusam, dan semua yang berkaitan (jahat la aku nie)…Tu belum lagi balik Sabak Bernam kampong pakcik-pakcik aku! Semua kawin dengan pompuan Jawa makanya makcik2 aku pun majority Jawa!!! Bayangkanlah bila mak aku yang Banjar jumpa ipar-ipar Jawa; macam penguin cakap dengan kuda!!! Yang aku adik beradik tetap la tak paham amenda la yang diorang cakap ni….sebab aku makcik ajer Jawa tapi language nyer aku langsung tak tau satu aper pun. Tapi makcik-makcik aku pun memang suka kalau kami adik-beradik balik tempat diorang sebab lagi sekali la kitorang CUTE. Tu aje.

            Tu dulu la, time aku kecik. Memori tu aku ingat sampai sekarang. Main bunga api cucuk dengan batang pisang sebab mak dengan nenek aku takut badan kitorang terbakar. Pas tu tolong kacau mak time buat kuih. Puasa separuh hari. Tipu puasa pun ada! Zaman-zaman tu, memang aku takde toys yang canggih tapi aku tetap seronok walaupun berdua dengan kakak jer main. I wish I could turn back the time but I know it’s never gonna happen. Doa la sampai pengsan pun. Sekarang ni Raya cuma Raya superficial jer pada aku sebab yea la aku pun dah nak masuk 34. Mana sama kan masa umur time kecik? Dulu abah mak bagi duit raya sekarang aku la plak. Dulu time budak aku dapat duit raya time jalan-jalan rumah sedara & kenalan; sekarang aku la pulak yang kena bagi duit raya. How time flies and our roles have changed. Who knew?

             Tapi Aidilfitri tetap satu kemenangan pada aku. Kemenangan aku berpuasa dan menahan diri, aku rasa betul la cakap Uncle George, best friend abah aku. Walaupun dia Cina, tapi dia cakap kat aku yang fasting month is a month of self-reflection. Hhhmmm, betul tu. Memang kita kena reflex balik diri kita, bukannya bernafsu-nafsi makan minum cam kerbau lapar! Tapi ramai gak yang buat cam tu. Nasib baik aku tak termasuk dalam golongan membazir. Time berbuka pun aku makan ajer apa yang mak aku masak. Lagi kenyang. Lagi sedap.           

              Yang penting, aku ada 5 hari kena ganti puasa tahun ni. Kena la buat selang seli sebab nyer aku kena jaga kesihatan aku gak…oklah, masih lagi Syawal. Pada yang sudi baca blog aku ni, walaupun cerita aku takde la best sangat…SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI; MAAF SALAH DAN SILAP AKU, ok geng!


Thursday, September 10, 2009


 Glitter Text Generator

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Had a good time ever during the school break although it was in the middle of a fasting month…as usual my place of choice is KL where majority of my friends reside. Makes one wonder sometimes why did I end up working outside KL? I guess its fate but it’s not too bad after all.

Anyways, I went to KL on a Friday, just a few days before the school session reopens. Of course the ever so lovely Fairuz invited us all for a sleepover at her house and a sahur session with the gang.

One word of advice, never ever arrived in KL by 4 or 5 pm coz that’s when the traffic jam starts. But had to endure it anyway, coz u gotta feel what the KL-lites are experiencing day after day.

Anyway, we break fast at Tini’s (my usual ‘lepak' port) and had a good home cooked food courtesy of Linda (thanks Linda for the food!)

After my friends had performed their ‘tarawikh’ from Masjid Bangsar, we were making our way to Fairuz. Oops, forgot to mention that K Lin came with her only girl, Princess Sarah..and then off we go! (Thanx K Lin for driving as moi’s eyesight is not that good at nite driving these days)

After we arrived, we headed straight to her home somewhere in ***** ****….and she greeted us like her usual bubbly self. I was introduced to her son who is so cute…must be the good genes from mommy and daddy!

And by 3am we were heading to some mamak joint in SS2. By this time we were in K Yate’s car…(thanx K Yate for driving again for a zillion times)…

As we were busy talking in the car suddenly the rows of car in front of us started to slow down (and of course somebody mentioned a road block ahead)…

And yes it was a ROAD BLOCK….and suddenly we all kept quiet ‘til u can hear a pin dropped! All quiet and still inside the car…and we didn’t say a word but to just keep quiet and drove off as we were not stopped!

The thing is, we were a bunch of 30 something girls in the car (minus Linda). All of us carried a valid driving license and we were all not drunk! Heck, we were going for a sahur session, for goodness sake!

I guess in the end, we were still that 18-19 year olds like the last time we were together; way, way back in UM when we were first introduced to the joy of nite life! How scared and timid we were. Time may have flies so fast but some aspect of our lives still is stuck there. Inside, we are that young girls of 18-19 years of age. We were so happy and so carefree then.

In fact, I dare say that the best of my lives were my UM days where I was surrounded by good friends. We drifted apart after graduation to work….and we did lose connection for more than 5 years. But thanks a lot to Facebook, we were rekindling old friendship that is hard to replace no matter how many new friends you get. We even had reunion and get together now….and its fun now since we have the money and the transport…

To me a good friend no matter how fast you get them or how long you have in gaining them is all a worth life treasure. No matter where life takes you, your friend will always be there and loyal to you. So don’t ever leave a friend for a man or anything else. Coz anywhere that you go, it is always the good friend that you end up returning to…

Going back to the road block story, it was a tale to be joked and laughed at during our sahur session while enjoying that enormous roti tissue, teh ais and nasi goreng ayam!!!

Hardest Ramadhan Ever

This must be the hardest Ramadhan ever for me. It’s not just the weather, but because of the so many things that has been happening so far. For a start, it’s getting harder and harder to contain my hunger pangs; ever since I’ve been visited by a thing called gastric at the end of last year. Although I tried to have my ‘sahur’ diligently without fail, still the hunger is there; everyday especially after 10 am coz by that time from the 5 am onwards, it would be like 6 hours of non-food…it’s a bit too much for me to handle but I persevere anyway. I tried to stay strong and not think of the hunger so much though it really HURTS so badly most of the time.

I wish that we don’t have to fast that long in a day. In Malaysia, we’re fasting for almost 12 hours (that is actually ONE full day!)

Our Middle-East brothers and sisters do not have to endure that long; I was told by a friend that they fast for 6 hours only. Since I do not live in the Middle East, my understanding could be wrong. And one of the reasons why the Middle-Eastern people cannot fast in Malaysia is because of the long time of fasting.

It’s funny how time played us. No matter how much I tried to maintain my youth; the internal organs know it so well. I used to be able to fast the whole day without ever having to be woken up and interrupt my sleeping pattern. But now, those are just mere memories of my teens and my 20s. These days, I have to take the ‘sahur’ coz if I miss; there is no way I can go on fasting.

The only way for me to forget the hunger is by sleeping my way out. I know it’s ‘makruh’ but somehow it’s the only thing that worked. I can’t do my ‘ibadat’ when I’m constantly hungry, can I?

How jealous I am with the young and able-bodied for not having any difficulty in fasting. And yet, these youngsters are not even fasting . (I’m not accusing all but I’ve confession from my own students…)

What ailment do they have, anyway that makes it okay for them to not observe one of the holy tenets of Islam?

Duh, why am I blabbering? All I want is good health. For me to make it through times like this…ugh.