Saturday, June 13, 2009

To My Gals!

..what a way to start the weekends; we gals went out for a bonding session and had a blast! who wouldn't say no to SIX gorgeous ladies who enjoys fine dining and great conversation??? it was strictly us, gals so thanks a lot to the yummy mommies for being soooooo understanding and leaving the hubbies and kids out of the picture..(they get to see them at home most of the time anyway, it's high time to see other faces)

we started dinner at the ever posh and happening marche and later continued to some karaoke session and back again for supper at the winter warmer's cafe. nevermind the food tempations; it was the conversation that stood out the those who didn't attend well it's their lost and our gain.

it's such a great thing to meet your old pals back from the uni days. we had history all along the growing up years from the tender age of 18...doesn't that say something? i know that these are the people that i can trust and hope for in all times. husbands come and go, children grow up and fly away - but good friends will always stay by you no matter what (unless they really didn't want to reconnect; which is still a mystery to me...)
the thing is, we can't live without friends. at the end of the day when everything else failed you, it is always the friends that we came back to 'coz we know that we can rely on them even if it's only for emotional support and nothing more. i hope that this won't be the last 'coz we started this last december and so far it's going well.
so here's to hoping and wishing for a more merry making in the future..salute us gals!

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