Friday, June 12, 2009

why do we have to compare?

it's weird how people talk to the others. i really don't know whether it's to make the other feel sorry about it or just to bring the other person down. why do people like to compare someone with another? and it's always the physical aspect that will be the main agenda.
let me relate to a personal experience that i encountered in my working place. from day 1 that i stepped into that place, i was already being compared to another colleague. and then as time progresses, i was compared to a former 70s singer, Sharifah Aini. the reason given is because i seem to have lots of moles on my face. i don't think i look like her at all. even our moles are located differently on our face.
the latest comparison is worst. it's Adibah Noor. just because she used to be an english teacher, a tesl graduate & the fact that she is plus size. i have nothing against these two famous ladies; in fact its kinda good that these two managed to break the barrier of having to be super slim and super gorgeous just to join the entertainment industry.
but i'm not in the entertainment industry. i am an educator. teaching in a rural school. why am i being compared to these two ladies? i realised about the plus size factor but i think that's when the similarity ends.
some people are just damn cruel. some people never think before they speak. and when they speak it's always trashy. nothing good is ever coming out of their cheap-lipsticked mouth. i wonder why do they become educator in the first place? what values will they instill in their students when they themselves are unable to see a person's personality above all else.
quoting from an old friend of mine "those who say that to you didn't realise themselves that they are no scarlet johannsen.."...thanks marina for that. i vow to myself from now on that if ever anyone say that to me again, this time i won't just sit quietly and smile politely...these never work. play fire with fire. why should i let the hurt in me suffered silently while they laughed merrily in the middle of eating their fried rice and iced nescafe????
no more. it's time to do something about it. if it's not me then who will do it?

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