Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Fat Journey 1

Ugly and overweight. 

Adios. Long silence again. Huh. Too busy peeps. Sorry. Anyway, as the title says, I am going through a journey. My fat journey to be exact. I am FAT. No matter what close friends say, I have to accept the fact that I am fat. I don't look good in pictures. I feel tired and sleepy most of the times. And the worst thing that happened - my BP reached 200! Others would have died even at 130, a friend says who lost her husband to HBP. Or go into a coma. Here I was, walking, driving & teaching. I felt that there was something wrong with me when I woke up from sleeping. My head feel light and I feel as though I'm walking on air. It was that high blood pressure. What a wake up call.
No more do I want to be in this situation any longer. No more. I had wasted many years and not keeping myself in shape. My bad. My fault. My fat journey. Now it's time to make a change. 
I went to see a private doctor because I hope that he would recommend me something that will help me lose my excess load.
He told me to try Cambridge Diet. And so I did. I met the counselor in charge and I did everything. At my heaviest two months ago, I was 98 kg. 98kg, two more to reach 100. Never did I realize that I would end up as overweight as this. What did I do? I thought I was eating right. Obviously I was wrong. So I made up my mind. I will go through this journey with Cambridge Diet all the way til I get my ideal weight.
I really don't want to be that fat woman where even climbing a flight of stairs made me out of breath.
I need to change and I choose Cambridge Diet. It doesn't taste as good as food of course. But it helps me to shed from 98 to 85kg so far. So yeah. I'm happy. I spent a lot of cash for this. And I intend to start anew even after this. 
The painful knee is gone. I like it. And I will continue this journey to good health and better weight management. 


ibu wawa said...

now, nampaknya kak sya dah makin kurus. apa rahsianya?

Erin said...

cambridge diet? care 2 explain? i havent heard about it before.